Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In Memoriam...our brothers in arms.

Sergeant Fonseca of the Chico Police Department recently provided me with some information regarding two Officers that were killed in Chico in the 1930's. I had only heard of one (Officer Carleton J. Bruce) because of a memorial placard positioned in the front of the Police Department. The second, (California Highway Patrol Officer W.R. McDaniel) was killed in 1934. Both Officers were murdered by gunfire.

It was really interresting reading the newspapers rendition of events. The paper was apparently the "Chico Record" at that time. The news doesn't read like that anymore. For instance, the reporter refers to the killer of Officer Bruce as "his German assassin." I suppose ethnicity held a different weight in that day.

There were two things that struck me as I read the articles. In Officer Bruce's case, an "ANGRY MOB FORMS - The shooting attracted hundreds, and an angry crowd gathered outside the police station during investigation of the killing." In Officer McDaniel's case, the suspect, "died before the flaming guns of an avenging posse that tracked him to the foothills east of Chico and ended his flight shortly after the sun broke over the hills."

What took me aback, was the way the public responded to the loss of their protectors. In one instance, an angry mob of citizens gathered (most likely to see that justice was done), and in the other, average citizens mounted up and hunted down the wolf that had entered the flock. While I have my pessimistic days (usually coinciding with an irate citizen railing my very existance), I think that many would react today, the same way our fellow citizens did over seventy years ago. Having gone through too many Officer's funerals and seeing people lining the streets, I know that there are still many who would step up and help in any way possible.

Please take a moment to read these Officer's stories. These and many more of our local heros are listed in the, "In Memoriam" section on the bottom left hand side of the Blue Review. Their stories are presented for a reason. These are our friends and brothers who went the full distance in order to uphold civility and protect us throughout the years. May God bless them and their families.

Again, special thanks to Sergeant Fonseca and Brett Vosika of the Chico Police Department for the information.